Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Anatomy of Healing

Pain is a distraction, its ego, wants your focus.
Can also be part of judgement. ~Louise Hay

Hip Pain: is balance, masculine/female

Throat:  What someone has said, or communicates. What you need to say or communicate. Pausing is good, but when you do know what to say, say it.

Shoulder Blades: How love "should" be

Migraine:  Negative thinking

Allergies:  Past lives, stagnant beliefs, soy (manipulation, hidden family agendas), seasonal is most likely from ritual events

Autism: Bridge to where we are and where we are going. The keepers of the energy to elevate consciousness.

ADD/ADHD: Energy Sensitives. Teach them to be present and go within.

Birth/Brain Trauma: Has a resistance to being here on Earth.

Baby getting stuck in womb: Resistance to being here.

Fibrosis: Miscarriage or loss in a previous life. Trauma in this lifetime.

Cyst: Unexpressed grief or emotion.

Eyes Issues: Past life connection, not wanting to see something. Watery eyes, would be tears or grief.

Colon Cancer: Anger or frustration. Disappointment. Can't let go of the past.

Heart Attacks: sudden, would be that person wants out.

Blood Disorders: Rigid people, black and white thought processes. 

Genetic Disorders: Cultural Specific. Collective Consciousness of race or area.

Sleep Disorders: Past Life

Epilepsy: Can't integrate the whole.

Seizures: Discharging extra energy 

Colic: Resistance to being here. Mom's self care. Past Life.

Parts of the Body;
Bones- Earth 
Muscles- Emotions
Knees- Self Esteem 
Neck- Flexibility 
Tennis Elbow- ligaments, How do you express yourself in front of people.
Thigh Muscles- The men in your life

Monday, July 18, 2011

St. Germain

  •  St. Germain
    Ray: 7th Chakra, Violet Flame

  • Twin Flame: Lady Portia , Great Divine Director

    Archangel: Zadkiel and Amethyst

    Stones: Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine

    Retreat: Cave of Symbols in Wyoming, 
    Rakoczy Mansion and Temple of the Maltese Cross in Romania
    Day: Saturday
    Incarnations: High Priest of the Violet Flame Temple in Atlantis,
    prophet Samuel, Joseph, father of Jesus, Saint Alban,
    Merlin, Christopher Columbus, Roger Bacon, 
    Fancis Bacon (author of Shakespearean plays),
    Counte Saint Germaine

    Qualities: Ordered Service, Culture, Refinement, Diplomacy, works with "The Seat of the Soul" (heart chakra),

    Sunday, July 10, 2011

    Saint Hilarion

    Ray: 5th, Emerald Green

    Twin flame: Pallas Athena

    Archangel: Raphael, Angel of Consecration and Mary

    Day: Thursday

    Stone: Emerald, Diamond, Jade, Quartz Crystal

    Retreat: Over the island of Crete, where he serves with Pallas Athena

    Incarnations: The Apostle Paul, Saint Hilarion

    Qualities: Truth, Science, Vision, Consecration, Healing, Scientific Development, Concentration, Children, Mercy