Pain is a distraction, its ego, wants your focus.
Can also be part of judgement. ~Louise Hay
Hip Pain: is balance, masculine/female
Throat: What someone has said, or communicates. What you need to say or communicate. Pausing is good, but when you do know what to say, say it.
Shoulder Blades: How love "should" be
Migraine: Negative thinking
Allergies: Past lives, stagnant beliefs, soy (manipulation, hidden family agendas), seasonal is most likely from ritual events
Autism: Bridge to where we are and where we are going. The keepers of the energy to elevate consciousness.
ADD/ADHD: Energy Sensitives. Teach them to be present and go within.
Birth/Brain Trauma: Has a resistance to being here on Earth.
Baby getting stuck in womb: Resistance to being here.
Fibrosis: Miscarriage or loss in a previous life. Trauma in this lifetime.
Cyst: Unexpressed grief or emotion.
Eyes Issues: Past life connection, not wanting to see something. Watery eyes, would be tears or grief.
Colon Cancer: Anger or frustration. Disappointment. Can't let go of the past.
Heart Attacks: sudden, would be that person wants out.
Blood Disorders: Rigid people, black and white thought processes.
Genetic Disorders: Cultural Specific. Collective Consciousness of race or area.
Sleep Disorders: Past Life
Epilepsy: Can't integrate the whole.
Seizures: Discharging extra energy
Colic: Resistance to being here. Mom's self care. Past Life.
Parts of the Body;
Bones- Earth
Muscles- Emotions
Knees- Self Esteem
Neck- Flexibility
Tennis Elbow- ligaments, How do you express yourself in front of people.
Thigh Muscles- The men in your life