The Archeia
Twin Flames
- Archangel - is the Mind connection, Archeia is the heart connection
- When you call on them, you get both.
- Twin Flame: Michael
- Theme: Triumph thru truth!
- Chakra: 5th (Throat) , 1st Ray
- Stone: Yellow Jasper
- Color: Blue
- Qualities: Power, Leadership, Divine Purpose, Stand in your truth. Faith will give you trust until you feel Michael and feel protected. She helps you see the light in every situation and in every person.
- Twin Flame: Jophiel
- Theme: Beauty of God
- Chakra: 7th (Crown) , 2nd Ray, Sunday
- Stone: Citrine
- Color: Gold, Purple and flecks of green
- Qualities: Be present, Hold the space. She helps hold the space until beauty comes. If you cant see the bigger picture the can help. Provides patience, to not engage until conflicts are resolved. Helps with endurance. Helps keep you in meditation. During war times, they can help
- Twin Flame: Chamuel
- Theme: Compassion thru Love, Intense Love, Active Love
- Chakra: 4th (Heart) , 3rd Ray, Monday
- Stone: Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz
- Color: Pink with flecks of green (sea foam)
- Qualities: Unifies, self love, to honor thyself, accomplish the mission, loving communication. Reveals the insight and understanding. Lifts you back up. Helps you appreciate life and helps with gratitude. If your not sure who to connect with, she can help guide you.
- Twin Flame: Gabriel
- Theme: Joy thru Awakening
- Chakra: 1st (Root), 4th Ray, Friday
- Stone: Red Garnet
- Color: Red with flecks of copper
- Qualities: Helps you feel solid, Helps ground you. Helps 'recalibrate' you to the higher energies. Integration. Helps align with the light. Purity, discipline, financial negotiations. Organize, Joy, Order. Helps us -release and shift and then anchor in the light. Helps with weight gain.
- Twin Flame: Sandalphon
- Theme: Unity thru Awareness
- Chakra: na
- Stone: Jet
- Color: na
- Qualities: Helps with Dream, Meditations, Prayer, Interpret dreams, oversees music, Be present, Helps with the Now. Inner space, inner temple. Shekhinah (old testament).
- Twin Flame: Metatron
- Theme: Expansion Thru Valor
- Chakra: na
- Stone: Hematite
- Color: na
- Qualities: Metatron is the void, Constance is the the Matrix within the void. Metatron turns the radio on and Constance finds the station. She will assist with chakra clearing. She has a passion for the crystal children and will help and guide you when working with them.
- Twin Flame: Raphael
- Theme: Wholeness thru Integration
- Chakra: 6th (3rd Eye), 5th Ray, Wednesday
- Stone: Blue Opal, Rose Quartz
- Color: Pink and Green, flecks of indigo
- Qualities: Helps you see the wisdom & insight to see the problem so you can heal. Oversees sciences and technologies now. They always work together. Will help you focus on highest good. Strengthens endurance and can focus on eternity. Specializes on abundance.
Lady Aurora
- Twin Flame: Uriel (Strength)
- Theme: Light of God, (Rainbow), Carefree
- Chakra: 3rd (Solar Plexus), 6th Ray, Thursday
- Stone: Jade
- Color: Gold w/ruby colors
- Qualites: Grace, helps move through transition, devotion and service, worship. She will teach you to be a free spirit. Helps you be comfortable when your body is recalibrating. Both will help you get asense of mastery of the physical. PEACE thru Inner Strength.
Holy Amethyst
- Twin Flame: Zadkiel
- Theme: Transformation though purification
- Chakra: 2nd (Sacral) & 8th (Seat of the Soul), 7th Ray, Saturday
- Stone: Sugalite,
- Color: Violet Flame
- Qualities: Opens you heart, Open for healing, Forgiveness, Expansive energy, Creates Space - from the spine. They help you see past limits. I AM. Can help you purify from your past karma and bring new vitality to your life.
Mary Magdalene
- Twin Flame: Azrael
- Theme: Transition through experience ~ The Bridge
- Chakra: na
- Stone: Moonstone
- Color: Silvery blue
- Qualities: Akashic Records - great guides when working with the records. prelife understanding. Helps us overcome karma." Believe half of what you read and none of what you hear" CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF. Sense of peace and understanding. Magdaline is a title not a name...
Archangel Cassiel
- Twin Flame: Cassiel
- Theme: Speed of God - Knowledge through Surrender
- Chakra: na
- Stone:Snowflake Obsidian (Cassiels)
- Color: Green & Indigo & Maroon
- Qualities: Find answers within. Helps blend energies together to support everyone. Cassiel is known as the hermit - goes within (inner light). Cloaks, Structure and Solids. ~Temperance shares the light Cassiel finds inside...